Some of you may remember when a few weeks ago Mark and I (I really - thank goodness he is such a good sport!) decided it was high time we took a stab at Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon recipe. Afterward I was oh-so-proud and threw out the mention that soon I would be on may way to Central Market to purchase "the perfect roasting chicken". Well, it took me a little longer than expected but today was the day and let's just say it out loud - I conquered that bird!
Now, according to Julia, it "does not require years of training to produce a juicy, brown, buttery, crisp-skinned, heavenly bird". Today I learned she was exactly right. It does however require a lot of babysitting! Basically, I basted and turned that bird (a 90 degree turn each time) every 10 minutes for an hour and a half. The result - a juicy brown, buttery, crisp-skinned, heavenly bird!
I think it is important to mention that I have roasted chickens before - and they were good - but nothing to compare to this. Maybe it was all the butter Julia asked me to bath the bird in? Anyway, in Mastering The Art of French Cooking Julia suggests the following sides with Poulet Roti, otherwise known as Roast Chicken. At her suggestion I went with Gratin Dauphinois (Scalloped Potatoes), Green Peas and dinner rolls. And so here you have attempt at a simple, elegant, French dinner for my sweet husband and I...
The table...
And the bird...
And those yummy potatoes...
So if Julia were around I wonder which of her recipes she would suggest I try next? One thing for sure, no matter the recipe, if I'll follow her lead it is sure to be delightful. Once again - Bon Appétit!
6 days ago
Holy, moly. I can't even pronounce that, much less cook it.
I am super impressed.
Great job!
Ummmm, Kim...this looks and sounds absolutely devine!! I am afraid I am like LET IT
Your table is beautiful, too!!
Now, as for the button.I have no clue whatsoever as to how to make a code for that thing. So,if you copy the photo, then just copy and paste my address up there in the window, walla...there it is.
Sorry to be such trouble...:(
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